Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lori Moody

I believe the media view teens as only being interested in new fads, gadgets, and what's happening with celebrities. I won't say that teens aren't interested in those things but that we care about other national and global events just like our older counterparts. For instance, I'm involved with a group called YouthLab and we blog and make documentaries to create social change. Alot of times there is this notion where adults believe teens should be "Seen and not heard." I feel that teens have something important to say on many issues, for instance, on who should be our next president in office and the anti-discrimination bill struggling to get passed in all states to stop work biased and corrupt job hiring practices. These things will affect us in the future when we are legal and become tax payers.

I want the media to see what teens are doing in their communties to help make a better future. The web and new technology is allowing teens to make a difference world-wide. The internet is a powerful tool and just by going on sites like YouTube or checking out other blogs on blogger, you can see what many teens have to say about what's going on in the world, which in turn, inspires other youth to let their voices be heard and possibly get passionate about making a difference in their communities.

1 comment:

McCormick Fellows 2007 said...

I agree totally with you about teens being interested in wordly issues. For example, you guys (teens) will be affected by who the next president will be and what we decide to do with the illegal immigrant issues.